How much is a sunken sword worth in boss drops

my goal is to get one before AO so i would like to know the baseline (and everyone’s opinions)
currently i only have a strong oath, swift oath, heavy woj, clean woj, clean vast, and some random other boss drops

it doesnt give exacts

depends on which boss drops we are talking about
and depends on which enchant ss you want

any, oaths and woj or others if has to be

about 6 strong oaths for a hard ss
like 10 for a swift and 12 for a clean
and for a strong like 24+

for heavy wojs or clean oaths you would need to double the amount
and any other boss drops just no. Trading boss drops for sunken swords on the forums is basically impossible


lmfao just make you’re own topic

dude did you really just necrobump a topic to advertise your trade offer?
are you trying to get as little offers as possible?

also your*

Dude really

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