How much is each sunken set piece worth in Calvus sets?

How much is each piece of the sunken set worth in Calvus sets?

Sunkens don’t really get traded down for boss drops so there’s not much of a consensus at all, but I’d maybe say these would be fair

Helmet = 1~1.5 full clean sets
Leggings = 3~3.75 full clean sets
Chestpiece = 4.15~4.35 full clean sets(?)
Sword = 6~8.5 full clean sets (??)

Whether or not any of these trades would actually happen though who knows

Since disenchanting items is a thing now, I don’t think armor sets being ‘clean’ really matters.


Think of how many galleons it would cost to disenchant 2 sets.

I think this is a bit unbalanced because it technically says a sunken chest is possibly worth more than 4 sunken helmets.

out of everything you couldve said THATS what you nitpick on…?

gotta resist the urge to say some mean things… :innocent: :smiley:

Tbh I’d say a sunken chest is around like 3 helmets but yeah that’s the issue with trying to list stuff in hypothetical trades that don’t happen.

People asking questions like these are basically asking for a number system to value items which always has some inaccuracies, since for example lets say a sunken boot is 20 points in value and a sanguine has 2, that doesn’t mean 10 sanguines for a sunken boot is a good trade though :woman_shrugging:

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I mean I already consider sunken armor near worthless and consider everybody trading seasonal items for sunken armor shortsighted.
If I got sunken armor by chance, I’d happily throw it away for a chance at a good seasonal item that might be worth something.

I doubt its obnoxious rarity will keep (95% of its current value)
Even if it does, I’m certain better forms of it will be added (obsolete items are worthless)

Geniunely not related to anything at all on this topic, but ok bro. Good for you. :+1:

I will gladly hand you that seasonal and take ur sunken.

Better forms will never be added lol, i dont know where people get this. since its level cap is infinite, there will never be a better set for defense and attack size.

you telling me you genuinely think that sunken iron armor is the end of it?
that’s crazy lol.

i dont just think that, its confirmed to be the intention for it to be the best armor for its respective stats. so for ANY OTHER stat build, then there will be progressive alternatives. i have no clue where you got the idea that it was otherwise, but if you have a source then id love to hear it.

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