how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
I really need to know the answer
help a fellow forumer out, please.
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
I really need to know the answer
help a fellow forumer out, please.
Hmmm, I guest around 7 of em each day
The question doesn’t make sense since there is no way of knowing how much wood a wood chuck would chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
Too many variables. If is a big word for two letters so making a question out of it, a word that pretty much is responsible for all fiction, is purely hypothetical at best. There is no definitive possible way to find out how much it could chuck wood since it can’t chuck wood. There is no standard or norm here, only pure speculation.
That being said, 12.
wow, well, I can say your statement is correct, but is your answer correct? I have no idea
if a wood chuck, a common bird known for it’s presence near trees and therefore wood, hence it’s name could conduct the action of chucking, which involves throwing an object, in this case wood, presumably precut, how much of a quantity could it propel in presumably either a day or until the woodchuck ceases movement due to a lack of energy provided by food
Just because a wood chuck could chuck would doesn’t necessarily mean it would. Wild animals are generally pretty instinctive and tend to do things because it’s something they require to do to survive. Although, wild animals have been observed to engage in recreational activities simply for their own enjoyment/entertainment so chucking wood doesn’t necessarily need to be integral to the species’ survival. Here’s a few possible reasons for a wood chuck chucking wood:
With this information at your disposal, I’ll let the number crunchers among us decide how much wood a wood chuck would chuck in these situations.
i was not expecting for this much information… this is einstein forum
ow my brain
Final answer
7 x 7 = 49 so its 49
don’t know
6 + 9 + 6 x 9 = 69 wood chunk
What a coincidence
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, a woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck, I assume.