How much do you think this is worth being the original owner and the item name lmao
at least 2 sunkens
Atleast 3 or 4 ancient magic scrolls, probably more.
Prolly 3 headlesses worth
ban me, you won’t
Atleast one torch from selectorch
one galleon
1 Vetex Dollar
You are 100% gonna get like 3 ancient magic scrolls for that when those come around.
realistically it would be worth the same as any headless to a trader, but a collector would probably value it at something along the lines of
35-40 halloween seasonals or 80ish sunkens
i don’t really know how much a collector would value this at but that’s what i think it would be valued at for most collectors.
…So two sunkens is worth 1 halloween seasonal?
Shit, maybe I should trade up for one.
usually 1 sunken = 2 halloween seasonals, i just feel like sunkens have less value in bulk
depends on the sunken and halloween seasonal, though.
i should try and get a headless then
Headless Head from the Headless Horseless Horseman…
One torch from Selectorch take it or leave it
Headless’ Headless Head, owned originally by the Headless Horseman Headless, and still in possession of that named Horseman with no Head.
I’ll overpay and give you 3,951 galleons for it