How often do you change your pfp

Never have never will (other than maybe slightly holiday events)


I don’t regularly change my pfp. This was my pfp everywhere for like a year, but I changed it to salad a couple months ago because I don’t want people to think I like jojo.

Usually it’s for halloween, christmas and maybe once or twice the rest of the year
I make a new one nearly every time I change instead of using an old one

I have seasonal pfp’s that I change to during the holidays, but they’re all variations of my current pfp.

if seasonal edits count, once every 2 months or so
if it’s base PFP

for discord it varies from like twice a day to like a month and a half
i think the latter was around the longest i’ve had a pfp

for the forum it’s gonna be months before i change it otherwise i’d be changing it as often as discord

Got no further plans on changing this pfp. I had a black treble clef first, then a blue eighth note, and now Ganyu

Let’s see, about three years ago I was a seal pfp, then for a few years it was a polandball. Then I went through loads of pfps that I no longer remember including the famous sad pfp. the last one I had was AAAAAAAAAAAAA. And now I have the goos, I pray to lord Apartix.

i almost haven’t touched my pfp unless it’s for an event, a memorial or to be funny

so basically a few times

a lot lol, depends if i find good artwork or not

never. my discord and forums pfp will stay the same for the rest of eternity

every 29th i do something with my pfp
been deciding whether to do it on the 28th of February or the 1st of March this time around.

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i weel NEBER change treegno pfp

I change it for some time but then I always switch back to my iconic Xeno Goku pfp

I usually change it every month or so but I think Ima stick with this one

I might change my pfp again now

one sec

kk i’m back with a new goku pfp

Probably never