How popular will ao be at the end of its lifespan

  • Dead :sob:
  • <1k
  • 1k-5k
  • 5k-10k
  • 10k-20k
  • 20k-50k
  • .>50k
0 voters

Sock feeling optimistic today I see

i’ve faith

Anyone who votes <1k is a doomer, and shall be treated as such.

I think we’d first have to define what the end of its lifespan would be.
The full release, a version cut short, or a broken and abandoned game?
After we settle on one, we’d then have to define it.
What is the full release/a cut version/a broken version of arcane odyssey going to be like?
We can’t know that, but we can make assumptions for the first two based on the plans that vetex has shared with us and what we already have as of now, but that’s too complicated and I’m not willing to do it.

Around 5K - 10K ig, it should have enough content where you could almost do anything you want, be it impact the world by a lot or by a small fraction. The only beauty of the game is the potential of freedom it has compared to its other mmorpg competitors in the platform, quite literally the reason it’s the only game in roblox that I play a lot even if deepwoken exists.

The only sad part is the time it takes for an update to be released in comparison to the content it has. But well even then, single threads when woven together precisely can create a satisfying craft so I won’t really complain much about it.

I assume that we’re hypothetically taking a completed game

that’d be some type soul tier recovery bro :sob:

At the end of AOs lifespan, it sill be the end of the story, of out ARCANE ODYSSEY and for something else to succeed in its place

i am optimistic taht it WILL get its 50k someday

200 players

deepwoken number of players right now (it updated so its unfair, but assuming AO will be at its peak, content will be at a maximum)

So 10k to 20k?