How rare do you think lost magics should be?

Smh trying to pay me off without even paying, classic billionaire behavior

Maybe lost magics don’t have to be so rare. Can’t they just be things that you can get and have?

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No we need more overly rare commodities to artificially drive up playtime! Actually having the one you want would ruin that! (Please help me onioncream locked me in their basement)

That was under the assumption you opened normal chests in the dark sea
If it were sealed chests, I’d say comfortably 1/120-1/180 maybe, under the assumption that a decent dark sea run is 20-30 chests
So it would take 4-9 proper runs to get a scroll, which I’d say is fair

Well I agree with you, cause I later shared a screenshot and I only have 600+ sealers opened on my main after over 600 hours💀

That would be 5 magic scrolls, one every 120 hours or 5 total days of gameplay
Then again, I’d probably enjoy anal fun with AO again when it crashes just as I’m about to unload the ship, soooo

i don’t think those numbers are relevant

we have no idea how much of those 600 hours were spent on purely dark seaing, and 1 dark sealed per hour is… you can do better than that

also what

That is a very rough average
And what I meant, AO keeps crashing for me, meaning anything that may take a longer amount of time, bounty hunting, charts, ship farming, dark sea runs, is a no-go

I hope you meant annual.

are you out of your mind?

my best guess for lost magic is 1/100
Ancient magic is 1/500 or slightly higher

Guys I feel like I’m being gaslit I’m talking purely about bronze sealed chests not dark sea

Unless you can only get lost magics from dark sealed chest?

Yea so I mean unless they’re more common from dsc or this person just meant dsc regular sealed chests should work

You can get it from Regular sealed chests (bronze, nimbus, more sealed chests in future seas) but ancient is locked behind dark sealed chests only

Lost magic scroll likely has better chance to be obtain from Dark sealed chests

Ah okay, well that’s different then. I’d say 1/300? 1 out of…400? 500? For ancients from dsc

too high, 1/100 fit more for lost magic
1/500 or slightly higher fit more for ancient magic

No I mean that’s what I was saying, all those were what I was thinking the chances could be for ancient magics from dark sealed chests

How about instead of stupidly rare sealed chest chances, we make them the reward for legendary treasure charts, sort of like how they were in aa. Ancient magics could have a 1/8 chance to replace the lost magic scroll


Why is this actually not a bad idea