How strong are deckhands?

After seeing this image by my clan leader, I wonder how powerful deckhands are.

If they helped you in combat it would be OP

I also wish they could appear in the story sometime, like Edward in the eternal mines segment


At this rate how much random things I went trought my deckhands are essentially 4 horsemen of the apocalypse

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I assume that once they become Fleet Leaders or whatever on their own ships they can attack.

Feels like there’s way more weapon-based deckhands than anything else, so I have to wonder if people would try to find ones with magic builds since those are almost inarguably the strongest NPC option (unless they happen to be using guns). Would be really cool if they could help you fight other crews when you sink ships.

wait how is that deckhand using magic what

The 5000 hp NPC dealing 600 dmg with his autoaim musket:

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their level cap is the same as the player iirc so they’re as strong as a level 140 npc currently