step 1, Find a hecate shard or 2
step 2, create time magic
step 3, go back in time to before Prometheus got killed
step 4, awaken your second mind (must be earth)
step 5, use a couple more hecate shards to create plutonium magic
step 6, join cursebeards crew
step 7, take the plutonium curse after Prometheus creates it
step 8, use your time magic (yes you can still use your magic as a curse user it just hurts like hell) to go back to post shattering
step 9, get a super high quality arcanium cylinder from azura
step 10, conduct your plutonium curse through it until it becomes exalted
step 11, find the explosion curse user
step 12, get them to exalt an arcsphere
step 13, get another arcanium shell separated from the plutonium cylinder
step 14, place spacers between them
step 15, place the explosion arcsphere slightly above the shell using more spacers
congrats, you have now become death, destroyer of worlds. Shoot the spacer seperating the arcsphere using a flintlock causing it to touch the unimbued arcanium shell, making the shell conduct the explosion curse and detonate around the plutonium exalted cylinder, causing it to continuously reach critical mass until its vaporized, taking whatever sea cluster you’ve done this on with it.
If time travel isn’t canon in real life, then it shouldn’t be naturally canon to AO.
The passage of time forbids being in the past if you exist in the present.
Time Magic isn’t off the table, but it’d more likely alter the age of things, not alter your own placement in history.