How to farm deckhand level quick

Step 1: Get notoriety 6.
Step 2: Wait for Marine brigs to spawn
Step 3: Sink brigs (their crew may jump off and pursuit you which is even better as they leave the ship vulnerable)
Step 4: If too many marines are after you, get out of combat and reset character. Any npc that argo to you will be despawned once you died.
Step 5: Vetex, is this too exploitative?


Dying to notoriety npcs doesn’t arrest you (I got killed by a major multiple times and nothing) also image is false. NPC’s have infinite stamina (come on vetex)

I remember that dying to notoriety npc respawns you back in Ravenna even if you set your spawn on the ship. Getting out of combat and resetting does spawn you back at your ship.

I think also false. I reset my 7 star noto recently so I can’t confirm but I’m sure I remember correctly