How to gain 300 pounds of pure muscle in 2 easy steps! (Strongmen HATE this!)

Step 1: Untitled

Step 2: Results!!!


i dont want to be bald

Baldness is a sign of alpha masculinity, you don’t get to choose.

i choose to not uninstall discord :thumbsup:

gaining large amounts of muscle can be bad, expecially if you are doing events that require a lot of endurance / speed
sprinting, long distance running, etc etc are all athletic events you do not want to put on muscle for. muscle is only good if you need power for either your upper or lower body strength
then theres the physical preference as well. men typically want to put on more muscle to look nicer, with those 6 packs and shit. not practical whatsoever, they just do it to look cool. women usually like to take off weight. slimer bodies appeal to them more

I read this in a Noel Dyzel voice.

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step one: eat as much cake as you can
step two: ahahahahahahahha you got scammed you’re now 300 lb of fat :mariomug:


i am sincerely sorry there, i appear to have chimped out of my brain for a few moment

Discord mods as they justify their chronic obesity

muscle and fat is different
chronic obesity is having an unhealthy fat-muscle ratio. like fat 5-1 fat kinda thing

how to gain 300 pounds of fat:

Pov: You've been promoted to discord mod - YouTube

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"Well you see, my clothes are least 500 pounds, and my dog was in my hands when I weighed myself so we can safely assume I’m 150 pounds

Seems like this kangaroo skipped leg day

i have a better solution

Quit Discord. Go on a discource website for a roblox game not updated for almost an year with an average 10 active users per day and post reddit videos and youtube recommended videos or start a shitty wordplay trend because you have no friends to share funny videos with so you cope here.