How to reproduce the boat fling bug

EDIT 5/17/24: Alright it turns out turning off all the vanities which change your body type DOES NOT make you 100% safe. It just makes it unlikely enough that I was never deliberately able to recreate it.

I made a bug report on this previously, however it was not very detailed and didn’t have enough information, so I wanted to make a new one with what I’ve been able to find after a bit of testing.

Steps to reproduce:

  • You must have joined the bronze sea with vanities that change your body type to something other than the Robloxian 2.0. For players looking to avoid this bug, switching to default vanities is your best bet.

Once the crew reloads, the boat turns into a fling trap and launches the player hundreds of thousands of studs out upon contact.

I have been able to repeat this consistently, simply getting far enough away for the crew to despawn causes the boat to fling.

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game): write here


Full recording brute forcing the bug

(Extra two recordings to prove that this is consistent)

In this video since I had jumped off the stepstones, I was actually able to steer the boat for a moment, but the moment the crew loads back in it flings and voids the entire boat. (Use < and > keys to look at it frame by frame)

This bug is so gamebreaking I literally paused gathering evidence for a second to help someone with calvus but when he died he fell victim to boat fling and was lost to the dark sea (didn’t get it on video :sob:)

extra recordings as proof that using default vanities prevents this


ok will try to get epicenter with this

mods, ban this kid for bug abuse

Thank you for solving this months old mystery :pray:
Always did wonder why the boats fling sometimes

Wait it’s non 2.0 packages that causes this? I guess that explains why it stopped after I stopped using the other armor vanities

I’m joking bro I don’t wanna lose my money

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