How To Spot A Hacker?

So, I was farming fame, and some DMs me asking what I’m willing to trade for my Easter helm and lanterns. I said I wasn’t trading them at the moment and they responded to look at their stuff, so I did for the heck of it. Now, this person had over 400 hours of gameplay, but this is awfully suspicious. I don’t know how to spot a hacker/duplicator of seasonals and whatnot, as each of the items had different names under them, so if y’all could help me out that’d be appreciated.

Screenshot (307)

Do you have a picture of their username & stats? If it’s a well-known trader they’ll probably be recognized if you post their username, or if they’re not a legitimate player it would be easier to tell by seeing their player stats

Just from first glance though, the amount of stacked seasonals they have is awfully suspicious (especially the Easter ones)

I do, but if somehow they got all the items in a legit way, I didn’t want to be responsible for any harassment that might come their way, so that’s why I left out their user.

It is, but he was trying to trade me for my Easter seasonals. Either he got them (Easter seasonals) in a legit way or he’s been scamming people for their Easter seasonals with duplicated Halloween seasonals. Or maybe he did duplicate them, idk.

They also had over 5000 fish caught, so I kind of assumed some of the sunkens they had were legit.

Since certain Easter seasonals don’t have original owners, them stacking is a pretty normal thing.

He probably just traded for them as he was trying to do with you.

Yeah, I know. What makes me suspicious is all the Halloween seasonals they’ve got. They were only trying to get my Easter Valkyrie helm and the lanterns, though.

Yeah couldn’t remember if Easter seasonals stacked since I don’t have more than one of each on my files

that inv looks pretty legit so hes prolly just a wealthy trader

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Look for the last names of the Hallow seasonals if its not the last names of WOM’s then its a hacker

how the heck do they have so much eggs of the same type

probably created tons of files, got the easy eggs like limestone one, traded, deleted file and did it again and again

Easter items cannot “stack”
Each item belongs to a different player, how dare these dupers kill the essence of uniqeness.
Now our gems will be wiped cuz of them TTwTT

but yea if he deleted his files its prolly legit, inv looks legit enough…


not that rare for 4th gen traders to have

Nope, I myself have 8 stacking on some of mine. But the sheer number of stuff is sus.

if they have over 400 hours of gameplay they might not be hacking.

@AMoonlightSonata What was the player’s user? I wanna ask them myself

Halloween seasonals are not rare