How to start a clan!

ur name is similar to one of the blackbulls

@Cryonical you should use this

why is this still active omg

because somebody bumped it :nerd_face:

I think you should add 1 more thing. Before making guild you should be sure that’s you are ready for it. You should be well known in AO community (optional). You should know a lot about game and you should be good at everything: Pvp, pve, knowledge of game secrets and more. This will make you indispensable in your clan, so its will help you become more liked leader.

pvp is the most important tbh, u wont get respect from other guild leaders if ur shit

can vouch (i am shit)

holy necrobump

Being well known does help, but it isnt a major factor as I had zero reputation, and now I lead Roselight.

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Lmao, why I got pinged by this message right now, if its 3 months old?

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She replied to you yesterday


Nvm, sorry. I was reading it at night, so I didn’t noticed.

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Why i cant insert my logo?

The necrobump :frcryin:

There was a tutorial on how to do that somewhere on youtube. Error message should be “Substract one from ID” or something like that.
