my sisters gonna go college next year,and im not sure i know how to take care of the cat
she’ll be 6 months old by next year
anyone have any advice?
thats the kitten
my sisters gonna go college next year,and im not sure i know how to take care of the cat
she’ll be 6 months old by next year
anyone have any advice?
thats the kitten
I was gonna answer something but I really don’t want you to trust me so…
Can’t you just ask your sister? I mean it’s her cat after all, you can just do what she does right?
she wont tell me everything
like,i ask her smth she’s like oh ill tell u later
but she never does
Feed it, probably the only step. Honestly, no idea and you might have to ask someone else that owns a cat.
advice: gimme. and squish that cat
In all seriousness, have two litterboxes for the one (or one per cat plus one extra). Might seem like a lot, but cats won’t always do it in the same spot (also make sure to check tuck-away places because they will pee there).
Feed them actual meat like once a week or so, animal food has like zero nutrition for the sake of shelf life (same with dogs/dog food).
what u mean by tuck-away places?
how old does she have to be to eat meat?
do i just give her wet food and dry food every other day?
what kind of meat?
sorry for the barrage of questions im just…idk hahaha:sweat_smile:
Small spots in the house you might not be able to get to or go to often (closets, under/on unused tables, under the bed, etc.)
If she’s eating solid food, then give her meat occasionally too. Around 4 weeks of age is good.
See what she takes too or provide a mix. Make sure that the total for both is no more than a regular meal since feeding a cat copious amounts of food early on will make them fat. Wet food, though more expensive, is generally much healthier than dry and more tasteful (why it has a stronger smell). Wet food for younger kitties to help them grow and more dry foods later in life to keep their weight. That with meat should sustain them, but make sure to switch it up a bit in terms of brand and/or flavor (as well as meat type).
Any should be okay, just make sure it’s cooked and in small bits for them (they can’t move their lower jaws sideways like we can).
No worries! I’m super happy to help, but I also did the cursory glance at what Google had to say as well. Definitely consult a vet if you’re unsure!
remember to install anti virus and update your OS for this cat
if it stop working or act weird, remember to turn it off and on
just have a litterbox and clean it occasionally
and put out food
thats it ig
I mean . . . that’s the bare minimum (as in you shouldn’t own a cat if that’s all you’re doing).
Clean the cat box every night tho (wear a mask when you do it, the dust ain’t fun). Don’t necessarily need to refill it every night, but about every other should be fine.
awwwww,well you need the thing to feed it that i not remember the name,not put too much because cats will destroy you life if you let them get hungry,and u gonna note this,and idk play with it lol
never hurt the kitty, if it is biting you grab a toy and play with it and don’t forget to feed it
it likes to bite and scratch me
it has a unique relationship with me cause of that
As long as you make sure she knows it’s just play, that’s good. My cat hardly scatches/bites me, but I know he’s playing when he does since he never swipes at my face if I get really close to test.
One really good piece of advice for keeping cats is to just play often with then, and they will 99.99% of the time behave perfectly well. If your cat is having behaviour “problems” of attacking people, destroying furniture or similar, it is most likely your fault for not playing enough and the cat is taking its energy out in whichever way possible.
Cats are predators, they need to kill, it’s just how they live. For them to behave naturally, you need to give them the best substitute for brutal carnage, and that’s play.
It’s usually not smart to use your hands and other body parts for play, your cat will see them as toys and might just start biting you when it’s bored thinking it’s all fun and games but you might not feel the same way.
You should be energetic when playing, those stick-with-a-thing-attached types of toys work perfectly, you’re basically simulating a hunt for your cat. It stalks, chases the “pray” and then kills it. After some time playing, when your cat is actually getting tired it is a perfect opportunity for feeding time. It’s pretty handy actually, little kittens want to play all the time, and they also eat smaller amount many times per day, while older cats eat like 2 times but in larger quantities, so playing with it and feeding it is a good routine.
TL;DR Play with your cat sufficiently, it works wonders and it will behave like a perfect little angel. I can almost guarantee this as this is mostly from my personal experience.
that makes sense,i used to rub my cats stomach when she turned on her back,so thats probably why she likes to bite me
my sister got one of those things,like a bell on a stick with string(cant describe it)
thanks for your advice,its really helpful
Don’t let it die of natural causes like: Explosive diarhea, malnutrition, starvation, dehydration, overhydration, poison,bad luck and stuff