How valuable do you think the fourth of july stuff will become?

I would’t really pay attention to the NPC market when you do look into selling yours. The player market would pay much more.

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Are you capable of reading? There are like 3 posts explaining that that’s exactly how the value doesn’t work. Its not that hard

considering this is the 1st group of event items out, i think it’s safe to say that they’re probably gonna have quite a bit in terms of value

They don’t have much value in crowns, they’re good for trading items with other players. They’re practically guaranteed to be worth something good.

Actually, there’s a multiplier that starts at 1 that increases by 0.1 each month.

event items all end up being pretty valuable later on, it’ll be a great trading item

even if a handful of us stock up on them, it’ll be very very hard to find people who actually have it in like a year

the actual sell value in crowns is completely irrelevant, event items should be used for trading, not selling to npcs or anything


10% on base price per month
Thank you vetex,we have to wait for like 30 months for it to pay by itself

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Most likely valuable only for trading cause when the July stuff first released there was still a stable amount of players of 3-2k while the first week of the game releasing there was a stable 20k player amount so roughly 18-15 k people would want to purchase it.


Literally doesn’t matter who the hell is stupid enough to sell an event item to a shop owner? Anyone who see’s a limited event item in a shop is gonna buy that shit in an instant

I think they will be worth a lot, possibly a lost magic scroll