How was your day?

I started playing zink mini splatling in splatoon 3 and i love this weapon

yes, ive read books like that
a lot of classics have no quotations

Try reading romeo and juliet without having a stroke from how stupid the main characters are

okay fine

but still the story was full of bullshit “metaphors”, for example in one of the vinegettes, “darius and the clouds”, how the fuck do you get drunk on the sky??? and someone PLEASE explain what is so important about a 6 year old pointing at a random ass cloud and calling it god with no elaboration whatsoever.

There like no memorable characters at all and they all felt like flat blank slates that lacked any deeper meaning or personality. supposedly trying to convey the idea of poverty and a more diverse opinion or whatever but the way that the book does this feels so dull and lifeless I couldn’t be bothered less.

esparanza just complains about living in poverty and all the book is consistent with is putting men in a bad light by making them all look abusive and shit. it is incredibly one sided and even young boys aren’t spared from this, like seriously not all men are this awful but the book is so black and white when it comes to this.

there’s a lot more I would rant about but I don’t wanna flood the topic

this is a book about a 30 year old woman trying to write like a 8 year old girl, and clearly the author has no idea how to actually write a child because the damn protagonist keeps bouncing around from acting her age to suddenly making these weirdly deep connections and similes that seriously do not need to exist or feel like they were just inserted for filler, also making esparanza sound way older than she actually is supposed to be

maybe you just dont like the style, it doesnt sound like a very bad book.

we’re all entitled to our own opinions I guess, but heed my warning…

yesterday was ass, so much school work i was working from 8 am to 9 pm

today has been alright, nothing really exciting

Fine. Had a small panic with moonanimator freaking out, but all resolved itself in time.