How will AO’s story be?

Many many weirdos

slowly raises hand

*sees digital glorified lego woman
*goes absolutely apeshit

they better make it where the deadly infection known as “shit idiot brain fungus” threatens to take away the dignity and magic of all of the war seas, and turn everyone into mindless drooling twitter users.

it’s up to us, the chad gamers, for when postgame arrives, to obtain legendary new lost magics, such as:

soap magic
grass magic
and testosterone magic

to stop the infection and fight the evil catboy and catgirl syndicate thats causing the spread of the shit idiot brain fungus from spreading even MORE, and turning everything into a black hole of online degeneracy.

It wouldn’t be the first time I grew to like a character named Iris

can we have a Morden flirt option or no

God i wish

aw i always wanted to have a relationship with Donald Morden from Metal Slug

this is the best lore idea ngl

yes sandal I agree


I can’t stop laughing help

oh no sandal he can’t stop aaa!

I will neither confirm nor deny there is a Morden flirt option

the story takes place in a way different area so we only have past lore pieces that extended worldwide to work with
but there is entirely new characters and areas so the only thing we can work with is overtime story writing experience

considering a good amount of years has passed, probably somewhat good or average?

vetex has added a lot of detail to the world before and after parts of the stories, if the story isnt good im sure it will be immersive

Usually not, but theres a lot of limitations coming from roblox for this aspect of the game, models not very realistic and I dunno pretty lifeless, even in games that have made their own character models they’re still just pretty lifeless and are only there to be stationary and look nice, they wouldn’t work well in cutscenes. I know there’s also the positives of developing on roblox and that there may also be other cons developing on roblox, but I’m not gonna speak on that as I’m not knowledged enough nor am I a developer to fully know, though just generally this part of AO is very brought down by the fact that it’s made on roblox Imo, but maybe vetex is gonna surprise me, who knows.

Also what I partially meant by that it’s a roblox game is that 99% of the time they don’t have a large team/if a team at all, so most of the time they can’t be too ambitious with what features and mechanics they wanna add.

well yes of course its your brain, but how memorable it will be and if it will have an impact on you depends on how well the game tells the story

You better stop talking about my woman like that

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Iris getting thunderclapped by a lightning user.