yeah same very excited to wait 6 more months for 2 and a half chapters
So basically chapter 6-13 is in nimbus sea and chapter 14 is when we start to sail to Vimir sea
Find a way to stop programming the game on roblox and actually move to a decent system
Bring back duel quests and add new duel quests on Nimbus
hiring builders and vfx artists so i cannot have the excuse of having other programmers messing up the code but still speeding up development
I just want a different sailing theme, that’s all…
cat accessory
10 characters?
There are 3 wooden cages on the northwest edge of sameria working as a “prison”. And the execution area is in the midle of Citadara
Lower renown npc levels, i cant even do treasure charts on other islands when theres a lvl 300 npc thats seeing me through whole rocks and its perfectly placed right where the trasure chart is.
Add some exotic scrolls (mainly new ones) to nimbus sealed chests
mods can now restore lost items
He’s had people make a couple of the islands and models
Still it would be way better to hire dedicated builders so he could just script on the game
wait, i got on video how i lost my kai sabre (yes its the one that i traded a sunken staff for few weeks ago, and i did a very bad trade and i know it and i hope opticalcord lost it too lol)
but do mods rly restore ur items if u loose them and got it on video?
no, they dont
The issue with that is you’d take on learning a completely new engine and also rebuild the entire game in it which could prove troublesome. Keep in mind that a lot of items are just modified roblox items so that would mean a whole lot of modeling as well.
As amazing as it would be it would require a lot of things. The game is a bit too far into the development to change game engines. Sure there are examples like Deadzone being made into Unturned but that took a whole lot of time and learning (+Deadzone wasn’t as complicated as Arcane Odyssey is right now)
give weapons creatable skills
and give them the mastery system fighting styles have why the FUCK are weapon skills stat locked
actually you know what fuck it i’d add xp boosters too because fuck it, yeah i’d pay money to not have to wait 300 hours to max out another file. who even cares, really.
oh and more hairstyles