How would you guys make the update great

Ok so uhmmm think about this topic like: you’re vetex and you’re working on the nimbus sea, reply to this topic with things you’d add to make the upgrade great like actually good and not mid ahh like it was you have 6 months (don’t type for 6 months though) like vetex had to add actual content what would you add to the update


i would have released the update once chapter 6 was done as soon as i realise how long sameria will take to build, then do a test session in the main game to avoid the whole weapon wipe. then id take a small break from story to add the kingdom alignment feature in a standalone update, then chapter 7

lower maria’s iframe attack’s length a bit and that’s pretty much it, also give everything 1 of each basic weapon so they still have their skills

i would add neviro cutscenes

i’d add uhmmm 3 rare spells and techniques wipe every sunken item and add new weapon abilities and raise the cap to 165

Maybe build a few more wilderness islands, run extensive tests in the main game to make sure nothing goes wrong on release, nerf Maria’s iFrame duration and overall do some optimisation of the game and treat some lag issues and bugs.

The story… I’d keep at meeting Nilah, and I’d rather take the time to add more detail to Sameria… things like canals, a ruined town in the south of Sameria, maybe a side boss like an undead mummy in a mountain cave, a military camp for the Samerian army and some lore book items scattered around the island detailing the history of Sameria.

na side boss would be at the ruined town cuz it would be liek uhmmm samerian bandits and the bandit leader would be a sandstone earth mage that summons a bunch of rock structures like the ones in that steven universe ep and make the arena more dynamic

I would back up the save data /j

to be fair the far west portion of the scorching dunes look like theyre gonna be used for something, possibly a boss area or something considering how empty and flat it is

Ramses the 3rd

True, I’d rather do quality over quantity

You know, add more stuff to Sameria, actually build a prison where the criminals are held before being executed/released, a few new food recipes (Egyptian/Middle Eastern food is great), inspired by Egyptian/Middle Eastern/Indian food, like pilaf (made with rice), falafel, couscous, kofta, paneer, dosas, and other things to keep players occupied while the next update is forming. Maybe even a PVP arena in the scorching dunes, and have a few more quests to keep the players busy. Also the max level should be raised to a nice, round 150 or even 170.

There are 8 chapters in the nimbus sea story, we won’t be getting 150 till like the end of chapter 7, and 170 in either chapter 8 or 9

did vetex state nimbus will have 8 chapters?

delay the release time and add a lot more content + make sure to check bugs and roblox server issues more thoroughly

worst case scenario I’d just add a compensation that’s better than luck 2

make the game 1 million robux for a week

this forces people to touch grass

or I get rich

I’d give Maria a gimmick where if you parry her mass attack 3 times in a row, she gets stunned for a few seconds.

rework maria so its not an i frame fest
and release it 6 hours prior to release privately for testers to test everything so no one gets wiped
2x xp for 2 weeks

Yeah in the patreon chat

Ooh, thats longer than I thought. I thought it would have 6 or so chapters by the old roadmap. Im kinda excited :eyes:

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