How would you name your ship?

I’d make the name something sea related like Tideripper or something along those lines

Here are some Ideas I came up with, choose your favorite.

  • Mistpiercer
  • Azophyl
  • Zephyr
  • The Galleon
  • Luna Blaze
  • Judgement Of The Tide
  • Astrophix

0 voters


“The Flashing Grace” or “The Midnight Waltz” are what i would call my ship

The Meat Beater

AYO PAUSE :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pink perfidy is probably what I’ll name mine.

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you should use it with a nuts berk build :face_holding_back_tears:


zephyr reminds me of uh

I’m probably naming my first slot’s ship “Blazing Star”, its supposed to be a maxxed out speed sailboat :fr:

Break of Dawn

meaning behind names thats the best way. take my favorite forevergarden this characters a healer and evergarden is “love for humanity” and forevergarden means “you’ll forever be loved by me” as I am a healer and I dont wanna fight with that character pure support.
or another way is something that links you to your character like “castle heart” that characters a warden with a fuck ton of hp aka castle and soul weapons heart

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Oh yeah, I actually have a list from way back of things to name my ships

I still like the names so I might just go with these

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Fiery Chihuahua

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Something that’s mainly about sailing place to place. The maximum effort I’ll be putting in is probably a Greek or Latin translation.

Why did Zephyr get the most votes it’s the one that I put the least effort in :frcryin:

Though I think I’ll be naming my ship Astrophix or Azophyl. Those two are just random names I came up with that have no meaning at all.

The only question is, which one should be for my main and which one for my second file?

  • Astrophix
  • Azophyl

0 voters

main file ship will either be the R.S. Hyperion or Hyperion’s Will

Who? :fr:

(Seriously) I don’t know who you mean. I lived under a rock for some time during the two years of waiting

this one kid a few years ago who was generally immature and the borderline age for the forums

Im following the IRL naming system of Navy Ships, like USS and HMS, but with my names