How would you name your ship?

What the title says.

Here are some Ideas I came up with, choose your favorite.

  • Mistpiercer
  • Azophyl
  • Zephyr
  • The Galleon
  • Lunar Blaze
  • Judgement Of The Tide
  • Astrophix

0 voters

[Repost of the poll in post 22]

I got a few ideas. My clan is named the Gilded Dragons, so I was thinking something along the lines of that.

Could go basic, just call it The Golden Dragon, or try to be fancier and call it The Silver Serpent, Bronze Behemoth, etc. generally follow a monetary/precious metals theme.

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I was thinking of calling my ship The Mistpiercer but I’m not sure

The name looks too silly written on paper, sl i need to think of a better one.


Fallen Star
Myriads Respite
Frostborn Regime
Shattered Dream


You deserve it but I need to wait.


maybe something space related like the porter or something

So far my ideas are Fenrir or Naglfar. Really don’t know but those are my current candidates.

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Something like a shitpost. I dont want to take a ship seriously

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Asclepius’ Curse


Red Syren

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Why does everyone have such cool name ideas :frcryin:

Star of Plutus for my 1st file, Slice of Life for the 2nd.

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The Seraphim

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I think I was given suggestions in the past, yet I don’t remember where the comment is (I think it was around in late 2020-2021)

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you should consider The Seahorse


I personaly just want to tie my boat’s name with “healing” or “hospital”… Smth like sea hospital

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The Second Amendment (three gun save)

Do Not Shoot I Will Cry (warden save)

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I think I have an Idea for my main (Abdallah Salore) Thunderous Wrath!

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I hope I can get away with an alcohol reference.

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I’m currently in the car for the next 5 hours or so, so I have a lot of time to think about good names. I’ll make a poll of the best ones soon.