How would you rate same build battles?

Mage V Mage, Warrior V Warrior, Berserker V Berserker, Warden V Warden (lol) and all the hybrids. Which same build battle would be the coolest to watch, which would be the shortest/longest (Warden V Warden for sure right now), and which one would involve the most sweating

mage is just running and explosion bruh

Mage v Mage would be the sweatiest w/ the poorest performance out of both players (get carried by AoE)

Warrior v Warrior would be the coolest to watch

Berserker v Berserker would have the most potential but fail to reach that

Warden v Warden would just be a JoJo battle

Warlock v Warlock would just be the Hot n’ Ice video.

Conjuror v Conjuror would just be what you see anyways

Paladin v Paladin can defer back to Mage v Mage but slower

Juggernaut v Juggernaut can defer back to Berserker v Berserker but slower and not as much potential

Knight v Knight can defer back to Warrior v Warrior but slower and less cool

Warlord v Warlord would be the coolest match if they didn’t only have like 2 kits to choose from

Savant v Savant would be the actual coolest match.

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ive seen my friend (poison/sand mage) fight a magma mage and it was the worst thing ive ever seen. the battle lasted about 20 minutes because neither could get close to the other, but magma pulsar spam was too slow to do damage and poison pulsar was too weak to do meaningful damage. it damn near made me fall asleep. i feel like the others would probably be cool though

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