How y'all feel about Ash magic? (slight rant, you can shit on my opinion for all I care, I dare you even)

It's just a rant, go home

I’ll go first. I like how it looks and plays, but damn it kinda fuckin sucks. The damage kinda stinky and the clouds help minimally unless you’ve covered the field in clouds somehow (wouldn’t recommend wasting your time on it as of now), plus it’s going to get even more oofed with the power change.

“Oh but petrify!” bruh, you do realize that super meta magics can do that? Y’know . . . like Plasma and Fire? It makes it so there’s no reason to choose Ash itself over them for the same effect. And I’m talking about synergies because 33% petrify is completely irrelevant to pvp and pve like bosses 'cause at that point you don’t need it. Even then, it’d easy enough to get out of.

Ice doesn’t struggle with Frozen like this because 1. it’s a decent magic stat/power-wise and 2. What are you going to choose over it? Snow? I think not (RIP Snow).

All of this easily and likely will change later on when our spells get bigger and stuff, but for now watch me cry over Ash


Didn’t read the post but I agree 100%

Ash is balanced. You know why? Because letss compare to Poison for a sec
Even thought poison has better overall multiplier, ash has more impact damage. So in the long run, it will in fact do more damage than poison if you have enough power. And in terms of synergies it’s really good too.
The key factor that contributes to its greatness is the clouds. You almost always get a few ticks of damage per attack, which is like 50 extra damage and crowd control.

I mean uhh. Its not THAT bad. Lemme give examples of what ash clouds can actually do. These 2 magics (ash n poison) are different from the others magics since it has these pretty annoying clouds that can expand up to iron port size and damage everyone i the area, but yea that isnt a factor that decides ash is op since no one makes a cloud that big during pvp. Ash clouds deal very modicum damage yes, but 1) they can deny area which and 2) if you use ash beams, you cant do damage trades unlike other magic. If they use a beam, and you counter with another beam instantly. No matter what you would end up taking more damage because of the ash clouds that prevent you from staying in the same place. So like i guess ash is pretty balanced the way it is, might be mid-high tier.

And tell me, through my hours of playing WoM. I have NEVER seen anyone do a petrify,shock or other magic bonuses in a same level pvp.


I feel like you’re both overestimating cloud damage. You’re not gonna get +50 damage by trading with someone unless the cloud is really big (unlikely). At +84 power it’s 17 per tick, which sounds nice on paper but considering how common high defense is, it’s hardly anything to worry about when you’re only going to be stunned for one or two. I haven’t played with it much, but the area denial isn’t that convenient since you’re wasting time setting up, leaving you pretty vulnerable.

Again, it does have nice synergies but there’s no point in choosing it if you can have more meta magics serve the same purpose to petrify (one of its main gimmicks).

No no i dont mean cloud damage. I mean cloud potential to deny people from staying in the same place. Afterall every poison/ash i’ve fought dont shoot the ground on purpose just to deny areas, they just aim at you normally like any other magic but if it misses the area denial still comes in. But yea you’re right there are more meta magics out there you can choose instead of ash.

im pretty sure that cloud damage is based on your level but yeah i think ash needs buffs

The encouragement to constantly move isn’t really relevant either since you’re always incentivized to do that and/or be above them. Maybe if clouds got a buff and stood higher it’s be better

You are correct in that it scales with your level, but then that’s even worse

Honestly I kinda agree. It always seems cool to smother a town in theory, but other factors like lag can really damage that. What if damage scaled depending on how long you were in the cloud? That would make sense since it lacks the more damaging/long poison factor.

IDK that might be a stupid idea take it with a grain of salt.

Damage based on how long you’re in a cloud probably wouldn’t matter since nobody stays in one for more than a couple of ticks (may changed at higher levels)

True everyone is always moving. What if it somehow impended movement a bit kinda like freezing?

I think you’re the one underestimating the power of CLOUD

Especially when the attacks get bigger in higher levels.

Cloud’s effectiveness still miniscule as of now

And the fact that it’s a support magic also makes it bad as of now

: )

True, at least it’s not Explosion or Snow

ash poopoo magic
you have to spam sunken sword and self explosion to do well
but that also applies to a lot of magics


poisons DoT effect last for 20 seconds,which allows you to deal more damage with other magics for an extended period of time though