How's your dark sea experience

As a mage I just get them stuck somewhere and spam spells

Seems its only me as vitality main making use of shields, but atlantean sucks bc of ravenna war. 1000 durability compared to 1540 uhh…

Even me with ~2800 hp (I lost my 3k after def nerf) suffers

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guy that ganked didnt even take the chests

Dark Sea without rain lol

Yeah, I have seen some of those dark seas. They are bugged, the only thing happening here is lightning, no islands, no waves, no enemies, no shipwrecks

And then I found this

Congrats man, you found more of them than me after reaching 29k+ chests opened. Btw was it in chest or just growing on the ground?

You got ganked.
in the dark sea.
and they didn’t even take the chests.



What even is that purple scroll

The Warship enchantment. By the way, I was looking through someone’s inventory for a trade and found what Warship does on cannons and rams.

double volcano

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Yeah I have encountered this too. Even if this is a bug, it should be a feature.

More ds islands :x:
More white eyes :white_check_mark:

Count of sky islands in Nimbus sea: a lot
Count of White Eyes between them : thrice as big

agree, especially when they can sometimes cross into insanity 0 range

i play on graphic 1 or 3 at most :skull:, sometimes 5 if the ping is merciful

agree, not to mention theres a bug that can make the bath stop working, aka you’re dead with no way to prevent it

i think its been nerfed, got 3 chasing me on my first trip and havent met them much recently

somewhat agree with this, if you ( for whatever reason ) dont have any revealing potion exploring those would be a pain

i have around 80 agility and can climb most of them okay-ish, the reward usually still isnt worth it tho tbh

tartarus tears ( for whoever need them ig )

javelin is ur best friend as a mage :pray:

Welcome to the Dark sea,

We have:

  • A pack of white eyes that will not fuck off

  • Back to back Atlantean ships

  • Sniper lightning

  • Atlanteans that will beat the shit out of you

  • interesting terrain spawning


  • AAHHHHHHH WHY AM I DYING?! [Good ol water poisoning]

  • useless volcanoes


Brig moment