How's your dark sea experience

I parried a white eyes once. Not a giant white eyes though. I would never want to be that close.

remember how much dmg you took?

i think White Eyes deal like 2k or something but im not sure

it was like 19 damage + being knocked back away from the fish.

i think blocking stop like 80% of incoming damage or something, so its total damage should beā€¦95ā€¦???

blocking removes like 30% of incoming damage

the only reason why shields, blocking gems, and boxing gloves are useful

I got True Captain and a literal boatload of Dark Sealed Chests in one expedition :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:

I got a ton of exotic enchantments from the chests (none of them being Powerful, somehow :sleeper:)
I put a Warship enchantment on my Archaic Sailcloth and a Brisk enchantment on my Throwing Harpoons.

I didnā€™t realize that Warship was nerfed on sail materials, though. It reduces durability by 4000 instead of 2000 like it was in the dev-update. I think Iā€™ll still keep using it since durability doesnā€™t really seem to matter in the Dark Sea (maybe it does in the Far Reaches, idk I donā€™t grind there).

jesus man how did you get so many?

choose your words carefully

couldnā€™t get anything better than mcdonalds wifi?

how the hell were you at 9/10s of your health my brig went from 18k to 10k- ooooh wait your turning speed is godlike nvm

What happened to his leather jacket did he take it off?

Oh wait a shield exists too ig

Yeah its useless cuz uncommon + its also a shield anyway

7/10 overall, hereā€™s some issues I had:

Atlantean brigs can spawn in the tier 1 range and I donā€™t find that very fair

Dark seas are extremely laggy and I need to play at graphics 7 in order to actually get a smooth experience

Acid waves need a nerf, no seriously, how are acid waves so dangerous compared to everything else, that corrosion damage is absolutely ridiculous and a single acid wave is like 3 normal waves hitting you all at once and you canā€™t do anything about it

Bow atlanteans have CSGO spinbotter level aim and I had a genuinely awful time fighting one

Sometimes, extremely high level atlanteans (level 180-190+) can spawn in the first insanity range, how is this fair in any way possible

Water poisoning is a dumb mechanic

Giant white eyes is annoying and can spawn in hordes too frequently

Some islands are just ridiculously massive and a waste of time to explore, some islands are so tall from the start that itā€™s almost impossible to even climb them

Volcano islands are completely useless

dude how is your speed so low? I have the same speed with a strong hull and swift hemp sails. Do you not have deckhands? even when not leveled up, 12 speed is insane

Might be the ship attachments since those also take away speed when equipped

He got struck by lightning twice, the sleeves are missing due to armor break protecting him from limb loss.

All of my deckhands give Turning.

Attachments donā€™t take away speed, only cannons and siege weapons. I am using the Dragonfire Carronades though, which take away 10 speed. That might be why. Theyā€™re so worth it though, they shred any kind of ship in seconds and I donā€™t even have a Strong or Powerful enchant on them.

i meant cannons i forgor what was what again :sob:

Itā€™s way to easy for an Atlantean to kill you with m1s :skull: almost died 3 times because of this

use a bow :tm: