Why don’t you ask for the 1st warrior slot to also get a boosted aura or something. That being your “proficient” weapon slot then. Save the 4th slot for 2nd awakening.
Warrior’s get more skills later anyways, you’re all complaining about an incomplete kit.
a direct stat boost is lame as hell
having an extra weapon slot would make it more consistent with the other pure builds that get an extra slot for magics / fighting styles
Warriors should get a 4th, and maybe a 5’th slot at second awakening, while Hybrids and Savants should get a 4’th weapon slot on their second awakening.
conjurers and warlords should have the choice between 2nd magic/fs or slot
that’s already planned on second awakening.
Checked the trello lately?
you do know you can’t have two of the same weapon type equipped if I recall
We get people from RFAO to here
Bro warrior aint even getting their own set let them have something
I only check the recents tab
sounds like someone who doesn’t use a main weapon build
Where does it say that? Cause on the awakenings tab the second warrior awakening is still down as “?”
warrior buff, W
Pretty sure he is talking about conjurers and warlords
we agree that mages are trash
You have only been burning the kitchen since the first time you posted something
oh mb
who posts an anime pic with an ugly guy in every msg