Huge warrior w



lets go my suggestion got approved

wait where is that sheet I forgot

4 gun build LFG

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there aren’t even 4 gun weapons in the game

the boss drop

what boss drop

don’t get your hopes up yet vetex has declined perfectly fine changes for no reason before

the thing that got dual pistols renamed to multi pistols :face_vomiting: plunderers

is it confirmed to be an actual boss drop and not some random name change?

oh, well if it’s considered the same weapon type as dual pistols i don’t think u can equip both at the same time

can you equip calvus triasta and spear at once?

Don’t consider it a W until it’s actually in the game

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2nd awakening:

2nd awakening will never happen we will buff first awakening for every build because idk :muscle:


This should be for the 2nd awakening and not the 1st since warrior already gets Aura.

let me cope bro
i don’t even play warrior but current warrior awakening is so ass they’re outclassed by knight which isn’t even complete
this needs to be added

nuh uh
current warrior awakening is the lamest awakening in the game by far it needs to change

There’s many things on the balance doc that should be added, but not all of them get added