"Hunters are wrong for hunting high renown players?" ;-;

“I think I know what I’m going to do today!”

Not everyone is a PvP junkie. Not that that’s wrong, but im just not into fighting other people. Im here for the same reasons I may play any other game with a story

Isn’t like one of the main selling points of AO supposed to be that it’s “PvE and Exploration first?”

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Okay, so… uh?

I think you might’ve misunderstood something… (I know the topic of the original post, but the point still stands)

as a leaderboard player who hunts alone… i agree

ok so as long as you’re not the type of player to be extremely annoyed when you try to gank the agility enjoyer in god damn redwake (agility heaven) then you’re ok-ish

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