"Hunters are wrong for hunting high renown players?" ;-;

Am I the bad guy for hunting people? I do lots of pvp and I like hunting people. If I see someone with 500k and 10 player kills I will think free renown and go for them. Then they act like they are the victim and I should not hunt players like them… I don’t get it, I understand that they want to have renown for deckhands but if u got 500k or more you should be prepared to keep it?

Some opinions would be lovely


people hate hunters because it’s so annoying to just suddenly get killed out of nowhere while enjoying the game

I am the most extreme side of the spectrum. Any and all bounty hunting is evil in my eyes (especially hunting targeted towards PVE villains since they lose more than just fame, they are actively locked out of playing the game til execution is done).

Bounty Hunting is a one-sided interaction. You basically walk up to someone, fishing, boss farming, sailing around or just relaxing and chatting, and then you force them to drop whatever activity they are having fun with at the moment. Since there are no safe zones, and love potions are a limited resource, often times someone has to fight in response. Not opt in or choose to. Has to. Even those at a low renown have to fight or run, and chases can take a long time that a person can spend doing literally anything else.

It’s a cool idea on paper, but this being the primary way for renown to be gained/lost leads to the current toxic smudge that is gank culture.


were it not for the fact that deckhands are directly connected to renown id be chill with people hunting 500k+ renown players on sight

unfortunately deckhands are a big enough factor that the average pve player is gonna want a few

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I couldn’t have said it any better myself.
The only people who enjoy bounty hunting are the people that hunt… and this guy.

It doesn’t help that when I am jumped out of absolutely no where there is absolutely nothing for me to gain if I win other than them probably instantly rushing back to me but that is far from being the main issue.


It’s a mixed bag…

Most of the PvP demons tend to be on the more toxic side of the spectrum. While this does not apply to all the sweats, and while it is true that it would be unfair to call all of them rude, PvE kiddies are a looooot more tame than them.

Hunting is basically built on annoying people.

But remember, it’s just a game. Nothing gameplay wise is really morally wrong on AO.


You’re not a bad person or immoral, this is just how the game works. People will whine and cry all they want but sadly, Vetex decided to make renown work this way, so picking easy targets is always the smartest decision. The smartest thing for any player to do right now is start learning how to defend themselves. Enough hours at munera, and you’ll start to enjoy being hunted and winning, even losing won’t hurt as bad because at least you learned something.
edit: missing word


I’m sorry but I don’t care how good I am at PvP, being hunted is a waste of the hunted’s time and I am never going to enjoy being interrupted when I’m minding my own business or talking with my friends ingame.

It will always be a slog to have some edgelord come out of nowhere to bug you.
Even then, PvP is genuinely the last thing I care about in this game, in its current state, it is janky, all over the place, and far too tedious to learn.


Well you said it. The system as it is encourages what we got.

If it wasn’t efficient, people wouldn’t do it. The problem is the dissonance of interaction. Always having to play looking over your shoulder isn’t fun, and until pve rewards are decoupled from leaderboards, many PVE players will feel the need to grind renown to get deckhands. It is after all, the ‘last activity’ you can do in the game.

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its cuz they wanna play the game in peace

tho to be fair, they can avoid the situation by leaving the server before anythinghappens


Also, I’d like to say that:

This is an early access game, and PvErs have hit rock bottom of replayable content. There is nothing left on this game to do but PvP at the moment. The rate of PvPers has stayed the same, the only reason people are getting ganked more is because PvErs have slowly but steadily left the servers so all you see now is mostly sweats


just waiting for dark sea…

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I feel if you get enough renown to be on lb, or even just a moderately high amount like 500k, then you shouldn’t be childish enough to complain about getting hunted for it. It’s a pvp metric first and foremost. But I think because of deckhands, people are probably gonna be more irked about it. That whole system is really stupid.


ngl 500k renown and 10 pks? thats just a huge target on your back considering the state of this game, yeah no buddy thats your fault for having that much renown


After reading most of these replies I kind of notice now that the system is just bad. Renown mixes the deckhand system and LB players too much. Imo renown should strictly be a pvp/LB thing, and deckhands should be gotten from something else. At the current state no one is happy, neither the people who hunt or the player that runs.

If that makes sense…

I love killing in this game, yet I don’t want to ruin someones time playing it. Mostly talking about the pve demons here. I don’t know how the suggestions thingy works but imma put in a thing for it


the only nice people i’ve been seeing nowadays is new players, I pity them for what they’ll eventually face until the dark sea update comes

AO has become sort of a backstreets environment, you either get lucky and have a nice interaction or ganked with no remorse no nothing give or take an “L” message or “skill issue” on the side, personally speaking when I was but a pure PvEr
it is simply the systems right now and I dont mind it changing as early as possible, pvp can get tiresome for a normal player especially when they wanna rewind at their favorite RPG roblox game


kill them sometimes theyre actually good and it gives practice for pvp in randomized locations

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but also yea free renown if they have higher renown than u

Yea that’s fair, at best you ask them for a poster 1v1 in munera and that’ll be much less unfun for the other guy, just gotta find the guy in question though…

however sportmanship is alright and all but obviously not many will care for it in a “lego” game so people will just kill easy targets because they can

or the guy you want to poster 1v1 chickens out and leaves the server or cheats*

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You have a point but the hunters also want to hunt if that makes sense. Forcing people into unavoidable pvp because of deckhands is just bad design

I honestly think cosmetic rewards, etc would be way better in this scenario for being on LB