Imagine coming back from a heroic dark sea expedition, having overcome all odds. But all of a sudden, those DOGS attack! They steal ALL YOUR LOOT, AND THEN WITCH HUNT YOU UNTIL YOU PAY THEM EVEN MORE!

Im here to help!

For a modest fee of 2000 galleons I will hunt down a noble member (or a specific member if you specify)




but hunting people who’ve just left dark sea is funny

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over for you :sweat_smile:

bro it aint that deep :sob: :pray:

but you can go deep inside of me

well if you say so.

Guys lets get a group of metamancers on the ship with power brew and ironskin 5 and gank him when he tries to steal our treasure

Or send a real life photo of yourself (its more than a little weird im ngl)

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Legendary joec00l solos

Hunting noble members is giving them what they want, best way to beat them is to simply ignore their antics.


noble sends their regards

Literally this.

Their influence in this community relies on them being asshats. Ignoring them is a double edged sword but it is the most effective method to make them lose their grip.

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Can you guys just ignore noble clan, they will became obsolete if you guys start to do so

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Touch grass NOW!

You need to have some context on this

Noble is owned by the game mod Noble and it has some of the most cancerous scums of the community. That about sums it up. They won’t be obsolete because these guys are the ones that have a lot of influence in this community and are supposed to maintain it

i thought nimblenumble owned it?

I thought it was owned by Noble in-game. Either way, it doesn’t change much

Guys this is very clearly a shitpost

am kinda curious as to why people think this. dude hasn’t been a game mod for years yet everyone is confident in saying he is one

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