It’s for real
I haven’t taken down the bounty yet

you put the bounty on yourself?

could be me, or not.

any poison or ash user

NimbleNumble sank my brig which wasn’t cheap :elephant:

That’s bait.

endericnoodles my beloved

So now i see why you killed me Joe cool. I am just another Noble member, why must you kill me? Whoever gave him 2k galleons for my bounty is going on my KOS list :frowning: :frowning: :sob: :sob:

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even though i think its a bad clan fr I will only hunt noble members if they hunt me
mods lock this post before someone says the n word :skull:

hunt down flare it’ll be funny

Hunt down noblesymphony
I’ll give you the 2000

hunt down herobladex for the funny

Why not just report them for witch hunting to get them banned?

Praise the light of noble :pray:

İ would rather eat dirt for rest of my life.

That’s it buddy…
You’ll be hunted for the rest of your days…
lol :grin:

Groomer behaviour
Narrowing down which players are kiddies

Me when create ticket for witchhunting:

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