Huuuuh? what

??? is this guy metal sanity fine???

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@AlexSchuyler ITS YOU :happy:

I love how they just stopped fishing after they hit 100,000.

Like, fuck doing any more fishing ever, man.

you got me fucked up if he did all that for a lil fish icon๐Ÿ’€ give em a exclusive fish head or something.
On that note is that why ppl are trying to get 2 mil xp in jewelry and brewing?

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Someone got a title for 2 million cooking xp so I guess they want one too


I now know where did 1k hour came from

Special Fishing Rod? :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:
Would be cool

a fishing rod that only catches items
(Meaning no fish ever)

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