I am here now

hahaha i have finally bested my sworn enemy, the new topic button!11!!!
im pretty new to the forums but ive been playing ao for a few months now so uh hi

Hello new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?

It seems you’re not very serious about your introduction. We don’t take kindly to jokers who don’t take things seriously around here. It’s all business here, so you better drop the comedy act quick cause we don’t have room for any clowns here.

if this is a legitimate concern, i apologize. i am unsure of the etiquette in the forums (as i have not been around here before) but i can change my behavior if it is unbecoming (however your last few sentences imply that you are joking but i cant tell yay)

I’m joking about your “not-so-serious tag” you put on your post dw about it man you can be silly as much as you want if you want to. Provided you aren’t derailing posts or trolling or something like that.

ok, thank you for the clarification :>

No the follest is 100% serious i currently am sending 20 hitmen to your house for using an emoticon on our sacred forums


20? i think you’ll need approximately 73.4893107 hitmen to defeat me! c:<

All of them are pregnant with triplets so it’s technically 80 dudes

oh no my calculations have been thwarted! how could this have ever happened to me!

Hola crimis_cringle

Do the thing dude man!

What in the cursed Mpreg

Hello here now, Im dad

should i be concerned


literally who are you