your lightning looks like piss magic lol
The spices in your hotbar are the most threatening thing in that image
Must… Take revenge… On those LOW LEVEL SCUMS! Killing my clanmates and making fun of them… Who do they think they are?! I will make you pay the price! Your actions have consequences!!!
Low Rker VS The Pedophile.
Fight of two legends.
(Under CC I picked topic starter, but not clan itself. Same with Suncry)
Ur kos kid
Into my Kos list you go
I have the strong feeling that telling him we’re gonna hunt him down is the exact reaction he wants, but then again, he’s really actually attacking low levels so like, I have no idea what the best course of action is.
Do we ignore or do we prepare for combat?
I feel like against someone who exclusively fights low level players, we don’t actually need to fight. There are enough people who randomly attack to just encounter and kill him.
if i help you with suggestions about being evil, will you spare me?
Thats why im not putting him on my kos, im putting the entire crimson crescent on my kos
No need, some low level players will deal with them anyway
No, we make a gank squad and whenever someone of us meets him we call in everyone
To be perfectly honest…
The original YT video at the top of the thread was a little bit embarrassing, if real. Anyone with any semblance of PvP skills would be able to casually body both of the people in that clip at the same time.
I can’t help but feel the video was choreographed, and in hindsight that would actually make more sense…
(Edit: I gave it a couple watches, and I guess its not outright embarrassing, but the poison mage never tried to blanket the area with poison, and the fire mage never tried to ignite any of the clouds…)
Tall order for crimson unfortunately
Anyone here would be more than down for a proper 1v1 against catzo to find out for sure but the only people he can beat are at levels lower than his iq
someone make a catzo KoS clan
I remember when they tried to recruit me, and said that most members didnt even have a level 90 file lol