I am The Noble. A God amongst men

Insert the thousands of people about to come in and get mad because they can’t take a joke tho

I’m an ant pls notice me :sob:

jumbo ain’t coming tho :slight_smile:

shhhhh dont tell them…

Beautiful speech :poggerfish:

You guys aren’t winning at anything except being toxic and childish and annoying. Like how is a rat with glasses saying CHINCHILLIN funny or entertaining? You guys are literally 5 year olds who think because you were good at aa that you rule WOM as well. You don’t. Stop with your cringy posts and grow up. We don’t need more drama made because of you guys wanting to look cool. Guilds aren’t even implemented in yet so you don’t know if you guys are even the best or the coolest. Some other guilds are probably more active and stronger and doing more stuff than you in WOM. So I please ask you to actually grow up and stop being so egotistical.


chinchillin’ :sunglasses:

You dumb fuck, I’ll have you know I’m an AA tournament champion and I have killed every single noble member atleast once. You can not get on my pvp levels because your trash. Don’t even @ me, all your gonna do is complain about my ego and how trash you are.

Chinchillin’ :sunglasses:

This forum is way too serious except when the mods are in favor of it. The forum is pretty toxic because of the lack of free will for humor. You’ll get called a troll and then threatened to get banned, just like how I was called a troll just for posting a joke.

You dumb fuck, I’ll have you know I’m an AA tournament champion and I have killed every single noble member atleast once. You can not get on my pvp levels because your trash. Don’t even @ me, all your gonna do is complain about my ego and how trash you are.

You dumb fuck, I’ll have you know I’m an AR tournament champion, I have every fucking legendary weapon, blessed sunken armor, your moms dick, and I use shadow fire. I have killed every single noble member atleast once. You can not get on my pvp levels because your trash. Don’t even @ me, all your gonna do is complain about my ego and how trash you are.

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Powerful speech, I almost teared up

no it’s only the people like jumbo and sister who go from like ‘‘the usual’’ which is like 99.9999% of people here, to facebook mode.

Can you make a better pizza roll than me.

Chinchillin’ :sunglasses:

I’d say I’m one of the best at pizza rolling. Most say I am the best pizza roller to ever grace this world.

Hi, ‘The Noble’
I’m also god stupid

I give this a B for effort. Could have been more dramatic.

I was brought to tears by this post.