I climbed mount othrys

thank you @warmwater for showing me the path of agility


you can climb anything by just spamming high jumps in a corner

i have no idea what that means but i’ll keep it in mind next time… oh wait there wont be a next time i already 100% that place

fck mount othrys

just high jump between 2 adjacent walls

u dont even need agility, just something that does destruction. you go as far uo as possible with stamina destroy a wall sit there and repeat. Ive climbed mount probably 3 times this way

yeah i did this too, theres are some parts that are indestructible tho

blasting a spell and then immediately grab to the wall give you a lot of stamina back tho ( could because of the meal ) so you can probably climb the mount this way if you are careful enough

you have the same magics i do

i love wind a normal amount

im switching back to conjurer after the interchange potion is added tho, i miss my wind mountain wind

ye im gonna switch in and out of mage since wind conj is 100% more fun

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