I Creating picture to my guild

I was actually thinking about that, considering this is the only thread he has talked in (I think) the day Aidris got suspended.

bro this is a joke at this point seems that all of this is acted and godsnake is an alt of someone that is banned and wants to do trolling before they ban him

what happened here holy shit

and that’s why i made my topic

i didnt know 1.0 gpa activities involve continuing a conversation which could potentially violate the forum regulations in place

Yea I mean he started Drama on purpose so.

hey this is the shipping company and all the attention you ordered is at your door so if you could get off your fatass and do something with your life we would all appreciate it


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it was fun while it lasted tho

Ok lol

You started the drama, not us. You continued it we can’t get punished for it.

lmao this man just wanted to say that he was makin a guild

yes a 5 year old acc can be an alt and yes you are an alt admit it haha

thats crazy but
how has my guy got the tutorial badge as his most recent badge :skull:

Def a troll lol

when did i imply i was proving anything against your argument, i was simply stating an observation which i found from the information you provided

All of you need to stfu :moyai:

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you added nothing to this thread if anything, and continued debating about a worthless subject, bit hypocritical if you ask me

:yawning_face: catch that ratio

Yeah im a helluva good artist and all you do is mope around on forums all day causing arguments and being a toxic cunt so dont be coming at me when you cant even shape your own life

you’re saying that as if it’d make people actually stop

don’t forget T spam