I found a test that tells you what level you would be in arcane odyssey

Its a really cool personality test that gives you an awesome arcane odyssey level that you get to show off to others :sunglasses:

How powerful are you!!!

dont read the link just click it its unrelated
press this button also


woah its the Real Arcane Adventures Direct Standing - Rating test.
this test determines how much each faction in the AU likes/dislikes you.

you seem to be confusing it with the RAADS - L (level) test.


they also show you your stat builds (but multiply those by two to get your real stats :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)

Wow I only got a 3?

I guess I’m just not that arcane powerful!

:sunglasses: :lightning_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2: :lightning_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var2: i am very powerfl

Ok ill do the test fr tomorrow because this is obvious not my legit one and also my last legit one was from 2023

…ngl i do not like that test too much, most questions are just entierly unspecific (WHY) and do they expect me to know if specific things were that way when i was 16-


Like “Eat at a restaurant or eat with a friend”… neither?? Or is it a specific restaurant? A specific friend??? SPECIFICATIONS PLEASE???

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The exact reason I haven’t done the test since 2023, I always gotta have someone sit through the test with me

Library or par tay :partying_face::tada::tada::tada::champagne::beers::beers::beers::balloon::balloon::balloon:


me when i scrol down after finishing dah test …

No… wait!

N a p.

They say nap time stops in kindergarten but I say ap statistics is right there

meta build :yawning_face:

Your ass cheated

Liar liar :jeans: on freaking :fire::fire::fire:

did NOT cheat just went for the meta build :yawning_face:

I think I might be average

good enough