I found a test that tells you what level you would be in arcane odyssey


Huh, expected the score to be lower

there’s evidence that he hired a hitman on himself

Quite a few things I would have preferred more options for. There were some that were about “would people call you …?” and maybe they would but it might be considered rude to so they don’t.
Additionally the question of “are you able to tell you are being flirted with” doesn’t work if I haven’t ever been flirted with (ironically enough it may have happened but I was unable to tell)

Level 0, that means I still have endless potential as I’m not yet class-locked.

The first neurotypical results

Less than 130 yippee!
What the heck is a “normal tone”?

A tone that is neither too expressive nor too monotone all while not aggressive, slow, and fast.

they’re right though, one of the questions was even two questions that i had different answers for, but you could only give one

part of the test is the taker being confused by the vague wording

does any of that mean anything though, what does it matter if i talk a bit quick

yeah meta build

haha im kinda tism

At best, that your brain processes things fast. At worst, that you’re incapable of pacing/controlling yourself and are inconsiderate of others.
There’s probably a lot more things than that, but these should be the most blatant ones.

got a negative number what do I do

means you’re a psychic empath, one of Yakub’s geneline psykers

a wat

Low power level, not enough to reach awakening

blud still can’t go to step stones (if level requirements still existed)

surprise surprise i’m fucking autistic
i don’t think anyone could have seen this coming