I found the actual highest dark sea island ingame, no joke

What’s up guys. If you thought you’d seen a tall island in the dark sea before get ready to have your socks blown off- obliterated even. THIS is THE indefinitely tallest island you will ever see. Infact it’s so tall I spent nearly an entire hour climbing it.

I have a youtube video showcasing this absolute monolith, or feel free to check out some more images / videos below. We even broke through the skybox!

Main video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocDrXIHiCxg


The island is so high that you’re not even in the dark seas anymore :skull:


Yeah fr…

Somebody has to play snake eater over climbing one of these mountain islands one day.

story time

No jokes, i got this video recomended rn, and when i opened Forum, second latest post is yours.

Give warmwater 5 minutes and he’s at the top

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This island is a challenge for me
I accept it

Glad the algorithm still doing me well lol.

This is so high up, I’m not even fully sure if your character would be able to even breathe at this height.


Remnants of Mount Everest


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