I got 3,000,000 jewel xp lol

I got 3,000,000 jewel xp just like a half hour ago. I crafted jewels for 45 minutes straight and got a massive headache afterwards… November 6 2023 6:00pm PST

I will upload videos of my crafting sessions later when my head feels better. Here’s the proof:

Are you proud of me?

And here’s the video link


Sech e greet efeert pet ente the grend, trely brengs teers te me eyes :cry: em preed ef yee sen


ere yee heveng e streke?


I em erry eroud ef eou

might have to hire u to make my gems :eyes:

i cant read this

e eez net tened en ze weyez ef EEE

e veree preed ef yeeeeeeee
beeeeeeg geeeeeeeeeeeeeemzzzzzzzzz

(for ppl who cant read i think just replace vow characters with “e”)

this has to have more than 3 characters


shet the feck ep


You’re 6 million years old?

Ebseletely splended.

ere yee e mesechest
enswer the qeesteen

congrats dude but u make me look like i touch grass everyday

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So does this guy

Holy shit 52 years old

Struggling to comprehend a single word in your post

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the effects of only pressing e 300 hours straight

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He’s def afking, NPC kills are so low, so is fish

55k fish is low?