I got Master Angler title after 6422 Fish caught


was it worth

hell yeah, cuz i got 4 sunken in the process

4 sunkens in 246 fish?? what rod and enchant?

it’s 6422 fishes…

my avarage sunken drop is 1000 per piece

2.2k fish caught. No sunken. Might cry.

at least be happy, the sunken pity is a soft pitty, meaning that if you get 2999 sunken items, you have 100% guarentee to get another one at 3k

I know. My luck is straight ass though, I’ve seen people with sunken catches while they were fishing for an anglerfish :skull:

Lucky Bronze, I wasn’t even planning to catch sunken in the first place, but idk why it says 246 I could have sworn I typed 6422

Would you recommend using a lucky bronze rod or luring? I’m caught between the possibility of catching more rare fish or more fish overall.

I’d say Luring at first and then nearing the end where you only have only a few rare fish left to catch, switch to Lucky