2nd part :3

i’ve become so numb
I can’t feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware :speaking_head::speaking_head::100::100:

can we get an amen for papa iris


So Edgy Iris…? (If Iris and Morden switched Magics (assuming le Mord uses Shadow magic))

evil Iris
she makes Frostmill island colder instead of melting it
and brings people back to life when she’s angry

iris with death magic and morden with the flare curse would be interesting

high-fives to break down hostile/edgy fronts is underrated.
Keep cooking.

Morden with red hair and green eyes ??

High five!

would be cool if shadow magic can also drain color from people’s clothings huh

Iris with darkness magic and Morden with Inferno Curse ( ignore Warren ) ( or Darkflame Curse, but, yk )

actually Scorch works as well since its the most explosive fire and flare magic focus in AoE iirc

flare focuses on dot

i cant take this anymore


nvm we’re both right

Sun focuses on DoT

Flare focuses on DoT ( and AoE )

is there any fire magic clones that focuses on DoT that i need to know about

High five!

first we got wirs(water magic iris) and now we got siris (shadow magic iris)

Okay I get that we want Iris to have all the AA magics but can we skip wind? I have nothing against wind magic but like… she wears a skirt.

what’s the problem

Bro has not seen this community.

brother, I’m part of this community :smiling_imp: