have you ever wanted to claim an island a certain island on the very edge of the map so that no one would bother you while you farm ??? i fear u are NOT allowed to do so anymore cause the new meta concerning clans now is that they will wait for anyone to claim any island regardless of which island its. and the moment they do succeed in claiming said item they will instantly take their finger print off of it and unclaim it. which reduces the incentive to even go out of ur way to claim any island in the first place cause u know there will be this ONE GUY disguised in a clan created for “PvE purposes”
that will go after that island and let go of it after reducing ur clan’s infamy dry.
“if u don’t want to be targeted why bother getting infamy for ur clan lol???”
cause its either that or i stay with the clan bank’s starter limit which isn’t sufficent for ANYONE trying to build anything on islands (and its not like they don’t go for low infamy clans for shits and giggles too)
“just fight back lol ?”
fight back against guys from top tier clans who PROBABLY consider this game as a fucking job at this point with all their gilded hp potions. nty
“how would u fix it then ?”
make it so if a clan contests a claim for an island and wins it that clan is forced to stay on said island with a cd that scales based on the infamy difference between the two clans. if the clan that contested suddenly unclaims or leaves the game before that cd is over one of the two things occur :
A) loss of the infamy gained by this interaction and a cd of 1 hour for claiming and contesting being set
B) if the clan has multiple counts of this happening the clan gets a penalty of 5% of its infamy being lost (to make it so the trade off of big clans will have actual consequences rather than a minor inconvenience)
“would this not hinder big clans being sabotaged by players ?”
there is a rule in the new rule book that can punish people that attempt that if u have proof of them doing so
“why even bother typing all this out”
at the end of the day i am ok with losing. but if the loss i suffered was cause someone from a self proclaimed “PvE” clan wanted to dig at my already low infamy solo clan for an extra 105 infamy just to end up leaving it 5 micro seconds after claiming it to attempt to fish for other clans infamy then the system is flawed beyond repair. the guy who takes the first step is always gonna be on the losing end. removing the incentive to even attempt to claim islands which was the whole point of the last major update
i can avoid that also by picking servers. the server i was in had 0 clans par the one guy that was from the pve clan (which is apparently an inside joke i was not even aware of)
i am not in it for the infamy though. i want to farm golden apples which require a long time to cultivate (the infamy on my clan is good enough to the point i don’t need infamy anymore as the guild bank is sufficent)
I’ve never seen the point of owning a solo clan - why not invite friends or acquaintances along to speed up the process?
You should still expect people to try and take your infamy regardless of how much you care for it - if you’re in a clan, you will be hunted, that’s how the cookie crumbles my guy.
I’m in my clan for a mix of the PvP fun and the PvE benefits - so I still get where you’re coming from, and I feel as if to enjoy every aspect of clanning that is how you have to approach it regardless of if you’re desperate for reagents or not.
I’m not but you’re entitled to think whatever you want.