I hate treasure charts

I swear treasure charts are just not even real they were never implemented into the game these things are such a scam i spent the last hour and a half digging up every inch of frostmill in a grid pattern because i got excited that it was an exotic chart only to not find a single thing. What the hell does “atop a high cliff” mean the whole island is a cliff and still i dug up the whole north-northeast side and didn’t find it.


leveling up more and more i find it easier just doing treasure charts anywhere but big areas like frostmill/ravenna, and sinking small ships for the sealed bronze chests.
i had a legendary treasure chart and the moment… just the moment i saw ravenna on it, i knew i was gonna feel pain. spent 2 hours digging, found nothing. sighhh

finally found it. it gave me 1 sealed chest if i spent that time doing ship battles i would have had at least 30 the whole treasure chart system needs to get reworked


yes we need it soon because this current system is pretty bad


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