I have come to ask the strangers of the lego game forums for advice on how to get a girl

This shit is worse than asking reddit


Talk to the girl. I have nothing else to say.

you know what im not gonna say anything

My best advice is to keep being yourself; if you guys are already good friends as you described, then there must be some traits about you that she finds desirable (albeit on a platonic level). Maybe you can try placing a bit more emphasis on those traits and see how that goes. IMO the most important thing is to keep building on the foundation of friendship you already have. Personally I’m the type to play it safe and not make any big moves that would jeopardize the friendship, but the downside of that is that it’s possible to miss given opportunities and even end up in the friendzone.

Just do your best to get closer and see where your intuition leads you. Learn about her, about the kind of person she is, what she wants in a partner & relationship, and ponder on whether you think that you’re a compatible match for each other.

TL;DR - Just have W rizz ez

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Ask her to partake in a Fortnite dance session, works every time

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Personally, I have this philosophy when getting girls, and that is

“Fuck it, we ball”

Tell them you like em as soon as you can with confidence, and if rejected, it’s fine but keep going

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Tell her she has a nice ass works for me 100% of the time

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perfect advice thank you

im no rizz expert but i think you should just talk to her normally like you do already and let things happen, dont be weird and awkward around her, eventually things might start to escalate

you asked if shes single which is the closest thing you can do to outright saying you like her so she 100% knows you like her btw

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I have no idea lol, have never had a gf and dont want one, the only advice I could think off is dont tell her you’re on this place or she will run

Do you live in North Carolina, by any chance…?

good luck, do your best

Why? Actually why? You could’ve asked around literally ANYwhere else. Why ask on the site where people wanna fuck guild logos and roblox characters that haven’t even been shown yet?

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ngl this is easily a fuck off topic


I want to say something about the change thing but I know !!! will do what they usually do and derail the thread off immediately.

@Cryonical or someone idk close the topic people are just being jerks for no reason


This is def something you would do :skull:

how is this not closed yet

this was a bad idea

@UnitVector idk whoever is online close