did it upload?
this is an in-progress studio build that i worked on for an hour twenty minutes maybe. (tell me from a scale from 0 to -10 how shit it is so far)
i’ll be back in around an hour to see how bad my building is
YESSS the Ravenna pillar.
right now it’s kind of extremely empty, but what is there is quite good
question but what is the water texture i need to know pretty please
put it in a mountain
this is kinda bad ngl, if this is your first time building then it’s passable enough but it really shouldn’t take even a beginner over an hour just to make this.
first time and i don’t have any ao assets, had to ask forum for ravenna
arcane odyssey RTS
i would but idk how to code
i cant really tell what the house is supposed to be, but the stone pillars are pretty much in AO’s style
brick houses, should i triangle the roof?
i say first finish the entire island, then you can go on adding the houses and extra stuff, its more efficient
got it