I hope ancient/lost magics/spells gonna be VERY rare

weren’t lost and ancients allegedly supposed to be as rare as legendary charts according from vetex?

which makes ancient 1/40k and lost 1/20k
also if you’re curious you have:

lost magics are 2x less rarer being 1/20,000 you have a 1/360,000 chance
for a specific lost magic ;-;

with 1/40,000 you have a 1/480,000 chance to get a specific ancient magic you want

so if vetex hasn’t changed the chances it’s gonna be oof for a specific lost or ancient magic you want

not storyline based, would be weird to obtain a legendary through the storyline unless its something like how in aa we get theos’ gauntlet.

They should be side things not main things

but other then that i agree with this post of yours


yeah i guess that’s pretty cool lemme level with you for a sec

If drop rates for scrolls become even half as rare as legendary charts were in AA, I am quitting this fucking game.

I do not give one sixteenth of a fuck about “bEiNg AdMiReD”, you are not making me do that again.

but yeah they can be rare i guess i dont really mind lol


That applies to ancients but not losts:

This puts lost magics at 1/10k.

However this quote is outdated and plans change, so i’m not sure if this still holds true

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hopefully it ain’t as rare cause i don’t want 1/200k+ chances ;-;


I feel like they’ll be 3x or more rarer than all the Sunkens and those are just in the rare category not even Exotic or Legendary plus you can’t macro/auto do quest which is how I’m pretty sure you’re gonna get em

i’m going to bed

Me either, but I do want them to be rare. Just not nigh-unobtainable.

It’s not something that everyone’s supposed to have, but i’m sure the game will be enjoyable with just 3 magics right?

yeah same not really great when every person you see has one and few have em and it’d be a surprise when fighting or interacting with another

do you want this game being like gpo? hell no


Part of it can depend on how many people play AO, the rarity could be 1:Current Player Count

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Lost spells are probably going to be a semi-rare item, but lost magics and primordials and all that shit will get way rarer likely

what do you mean by hard work and effort though? like could you give an example of how someone would obtain an item through hard work and effort cus people have said the same thing in the past but never actually give a solution to obtain items that RNG doesn’t already do but better

I believe that vetex said lost magics would have a 1/10000 chance of getting fished up. I could be wrong tho.

Edit: nvm somebody already posted the message

What I’d do is trade the lost/ancient magic scrolls that I don’t want for lost/ancient magic scrolls that I do want. That way I’m giving someone something that they want, in turn for something that I want. Win win, gg ez

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oh hi, how was death?

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legendary charts were 1/40000 as far as I’m aware

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Thanks for telling me what the other guy just said, nearly word for word.

I almost didn’t catch it

Thanks bro, for telling me the game needs effort to obtain and we aren’t rolling slots for ancient shit.

It’s almost like more effort increases your odds already :thinking:

The lowest tier sunken is already 10x more rare than a tori midweek, I’m pretty sure this shit is only gonna get rarer.

Your opinion is shit, cry about it

I also didn’t know rng is an

unless you’re saying it’s not impossible and rng is actually just

But if that was the case, why tf are you malding?

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You certainly haven’t changed at all.