I hope your flowers decay, deron chan


with the recent exploit happening, it is to be considered that acrimonies and interchange potions might be wiped along with galleons (theoretically being soft wiped to 100k)

as for you, deron, you will be wiped.

Vetex make an update that doesnt wipe players from 50 hours worth of items. If he wipes all the acrimonies that I grinded for i might actually quit the game.

i would think he would wipe them to 5 if players have more, like with sun caraways being wiped to 30

another deron W

will everyone’s galleons be wiped ?

Were AO players, of course we have to trash talk every player we fight.

will my 3 acrimonies be safe if they’re in the marketplace

I hope galleons arent wiped… :worried:

Was there an acrimony dupe?


It’s only natural for flowers to Decay in Winter

holy shit…


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